Monday, December 19, 2022

The threat of the B-21 Stealth bomber and why the world should worry

 Never before in my lifetime have, I started feeling so shaken with such fear of what massive deaths and destruction many sorts of nuclear capable weapons would bring about. Russia, the largest stockpiler of nuclear weapons having developed an automatic fail-safe nuclear Doomsday weapon that would wipe out the entire northern hemisphere and now the United States 🇺🇸 having developed a nuclear capable Stealth bomber that can launch hypersonic missiles is over the top alarming and outrageous.

I mean, just how could we allow this to happen? Sure, tensions are not as high as they were during the Cold War, but it doesn't matter anymore as long as the people of the United States are cursed with a government that is not regulated and incapable of restraining itself from causing such disasters as it used to back in the old days. Back then we had President John F Kennedy who was the first to successfully avoid starting nuclear war with the Soviet Union when he kindly and responsibly removed all the missiles deployed in Turkey which got the Russians to pull all nukes out of Cuba and then with Ronald Reagan, he and Mikhail Gorbachev signed a nuclear arms treaty that got the US and the Soviet Union to disarm themselves of all nuclear weapons and prohibited the use and development of Wmds.

But now because our government failed to regulate its own institutions after the Cold war due to too much money and lobbying involved, our leaders pulled us out of the treaty 3 years ago for no excuse but hegenomy. Really? Look, we all know that Russia has been known for being imerial for centuries but some of us would need to look at the timeline of events leading up to not just the war in Ukraine, but also the Russians war with Georgia in 2008. So, say that Russia's military actions are always unprovoked, but when you look at what's been happening over the past year or two in each of the conflicts that took place in the post-Soviet republics and get your sources from other outlets like those from India, you'd have better picture at understanding what this is really about.

Now, the fact that I've been alarmed by this doomsday weapon Russia has called "Dead hand" which is also known as perimeter is because it is said to go off if Moscow or anywhere inside of Russia is hit by nuclear attacks. It takes one or a few people to be operating at the console and if they don't get a response from the leaders in Moscow, they would turn on their systems and launch all the missiles directly at us and everywhere else throughout the northern hemisphere, turning everything into a nuclear wasteland. It's even worse when we have leaders who are too consumed by greed, mentally ill, unstable, and compelled by their own addictions of constantly holding onto power while being preoccupied by lobbyists who aren't regulated and censoring those expressing their concerns about wrongdoing and now because my country had developed a stealth bomber for the purpose of firing long range hypersonic missiles that are also nukes, this really shows just how warped our system is.

 Sure, some of you reading this that support the government wouldn't believe me but to those who would dismiss this as a conspiracy theory while maintaining positions of power, go to hell you mentally deranged psychopaths. You have no idea what were about to get ourselves into if we don't scrap and decommission this new stealth bomber that is about to go into service soon and the Russians are also skilled engineers. Just take a look at this video for example with one having developed a real-life lightsaber

Quite impressive, huh? Well, consider this a sample of what Russians are capable of building. Believe me, I am not supporting them in their war with Ukraine, but I am more concerned about how our government is handling the situation and by building a stealth bomber capable of firing nukes is not a good idea. I mean, if our government even does use such a weapon to destroy Moscow, Biden, his administration, or even their successors will also get us destroyed too because they refuse to restrain themselves from escalating things further due to being in power and enriching themselves for far too long as well as having the vast majority of them take orders from millionaires and billionaires who are becoming more eratic and unstable with such mob mentality that they don't even care about what happens to everyone on earth and even if our leaders assure us publicly that they are not going to hit Moscow with nukes, you certainly can't believe them until we have proof of the restraint needed to hold our elected officials back from doing this.

Some would come up with the excuse and say "Oh, it's because Russia and China have hypersonic S-500's and we can't just surrender to the enemy so we need something to help even the edge." Give me a break. We can't every battle.

If anyone reading this article is wondering how we got here and how we are pushing ourselves towards global annihilation, it's because the democratic party of the US and the elites rigged elections being held in North Carolina 124 years ago by using the state's largest newspaper to spew lies and incite violence and intimidation to force a progressive third party out of office and over the years they and Republicans made it difficult for other political parties to win elections because they were greedy, obsessed with holding onto power, unhinged, and so pathologically self-absorbed they have become just like the British! 

Believe me, there are plenty of films that prove just how ruthless and arrogant the British empire really was. Not to mention dismissive towards those who speak truth to power.

We are really in deep trouble and rather than just constantly fighting amongst ourselves about who is responsible for the war in Ukraine, we should be more focused on stopping our government from starting nuclear war with Russia China and India because there's nothing to gain from nuclear war but death destruction and a complete end to all of life.

We have to get rid of that B-21 Stealth bomber and stop nuclear war from breaking out while we still have a chance.

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