Sunday, June 25, 2023

Warner Bros keeps repeating 1983 and why it's got to stop!

 For years, since the 1980's, Warner Brothers has literally gone downhill with such a reputation for constantly dictating and interfering with various projects linked to DC Superhero films and shows and their top investors have been responsible for their actions as well.

There have been many scripts to many movies warner brothers has rejected with so many stories and so many characters that never got to see the light of day on the big screen and wind up getting degraded, misused, and violated on the small screens and more importantly, the studio has kept on avoiding the sourced materials which has destroyed people's faith in DC and now the situation has gotten worse since last year with Warner Bros stabbing us all in the backs and still having millions of fans bought into their lies which shows just how political the executives since Steve Ross all the way up to David Zaslov have become with such ego, pride and complete lack of fathoming and keeping up with story plots that they really have crossed the line big time.

First off, movies, shows, comics, books, and video games are not just entertainment, they help people move forward and bring about such joy and cooperation amongst everyone throughout the world. They also display a very unique version of art compared to that of various paintings, sculptures, drawings, murals, and even poems and books. Some of it also brings out the best in life and inspires us to find our own goals to achieve. So much. But they are not meant to be used to promote politics and certain agendas which brings nothing more but distrust and alienation among ourselves. Plus, if you all recall the shooting that took place down in Orlando 7 years ago when a troubled Afghan American named Omar Mateen open fired on people inside a gay nightclub, killing about 50 people and wounding others that he was planning to attack people in Walt Disney World. Thank god the cops put a stop to him when they took him out that night. 

Now, for those of you who remember history well enough to understand everything wrong about Warner Bros Discovery, what Gunn and Zaslav did last year, stabbing us all in the back by cancelling Man of Steel 2 which is a movie of Superman going to battle Brainiac in favor of a reboot that features Superman going up against a villain (Lex Luthor) we've already seen so many times, it's like 1981 and 1983 happening all over again and allow me to present you the comparison of people mismanaging these projects over the past 40 years.

What you see here are the very studio executives and directors from the 1980's and as of now along with 2 of America's largest investment firms that have been behind much of Warner Bros' interference and mishandling of DC Superhero movies. On the left you have Vanguard and its founder and first CEO John C. Bogle being the influence behind former WB executive Steve Ross' decision to have Richard Lester, director of Superman 3 swindle us with a "Lex Luthor" like tycoon as the villain of the movie instead of having Brainiac show up to challenge Christopher Reeves' Superman and now as of December 2022 and this year, you have BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and other investors lobby WBD CEO David Zaslov into having James Gunn deny us Henry Cavill's Man of Steel 2 in favor of ripping us off with a Superman reboot with Lex Luthor as the villain who we've already seen enough of in every Superman standalone movies! Some will say it was due to Superman 2 failing at the box office when it was due to the studio's decision to cut out minutes of footage from the film.

The same happened in 2013 when the executives at Warner Bros forced Snyder to ditch Man of Steel 2 for Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice all because they were hellbent on competing with Marvel after the Avengers movie in 2012 scored 1.5 billion at the international box office and even tampered with the 2016 film by cutting out 30 minutes of footage from the film and not long after we got to see all of it on the Ultimate Edition of the film and they still kept on screwing around with everyone's work.

And to those of you who don't care that enough Lex Luthor and General Zod is enough by trolling people like me and others who are against Zaslav and Gunn's political slate of DCU movies and are pushing for the studio to sell the film rights of the Snyderverse over to Zack Snyder himself on Netflix for him to continue his work undisrupted and telling us to move on, SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU for refusing to understand the truth about Warner Bros! 

Either those of you who are against restoring the Snyderverse have a direct conflict of interest with Warner Bros Discovery and its top shareholders, or you seem to have way too much going on with your own lives right now that you have such lack of heart and interest in DC.

Some will say that this is all about simplifying things or being respectful with diversity, or even for what's best for the general public, but the truth is, the studio's leadership is corrupt along with its top investors for this disgusting habit of deception and to any of them who accuses us of being racist, tell that to David Zaslov for cancelling a Batgirl movie starring Afro-Dominican actress Leslie Grace as the film's titular character! Also, if they claim that we're being political over what people had to put up with from 1865 up to 1965, well now some of us are feeling what's it's like through a different perspective.

I know, because I have seen movies based on history and overtime, compared them to what some of us are going through today in a different way. It's frustrating and so of us do feel like it's hopeless to do anything about it. But I wouldn't let that stop us from accomplishing our goals.

Plus, you know who I would also refer to these oligarchs and their anti-Snyder fan base as for their neglect to accepting what is unfair and knowing when enough is enough? Brainiac haters. Anti-Brainiac. Anti-Silver Banshee. Anti-Metallo. Anti-Superman and Supergirl teamup fans. Doesn't matter if WBD's current fanbase backing them on Gunn's DCU are young and old because they aren't just getting their information from the wrong sources. It's because they fail to grasp what's right and what's wrong, unlike us. 

If some of you think that the Restore the Snyderverse movement will end once the Flash movie hits theaters with Barry Allen/The Flash himself resetting the timeline, you may want to rewatch both Joss Whedon's Justice League movie and Zack Snyder's Justice League movie and understand the difference between both the characters and outcomes seen in these movies and I'll show them to you below

First up is how different Steppenwolf's physical appearances in both movies are

Next up are the suits that Superman wears where in Whedon's Justice League, he wears his traditional red and blue and in Snyder's Justice League, he wears the Black Suit

Then we have the fate of Silas Stone, Cyborg's father who lives in Whedon's Justice League but dies in Snyder's Justice League

and finally we have the difference of how Steppenwolf dies. In the Hamadaverse, he gets killed by his own parademons while being transwarped back to Apokolips and in the Snyderverse, he is killed by Wonder Woman slicing his head off with her sword while being pummeled back to Apokolips by Superman

The point is, when Warner Bros had Whedon do a remake of the Justice League straight away in 2017 and leave Snyder's version in the dark for 4 years until its release onto HBO Max in 2021, the studio didn't just try to whitewash everything Zack had made. They ultimately created/stared a parallel universe that looks identical to the Snyderverse, but with more color and more of what you'd expect out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Therefore, this proves that I along with other various Snyder fans have no reason to give in to the corruption and arrogance of David Zaslav, James Gunn, Larry Fink, and everyone else that has been undermining DC and its projects for years. We will keep pushing for the Snyderverse to be restored so Zack can continue to bring out his vision of DC onto the big screen and we'll have to continue building up our momentum along the way.

First, we'll need to pressure Warner Bros Discovery into getting the Ayer Cut to 2016's Suicide Squad movie released which should contain plenty more of Jared Leto's Joker and with Ben Affleck as Batman. Also, we're going to get Snyder's Justice League movie released in Imax theaters which is the only place that hasn't been screened yet and the size of the screens in theaters should help more folks understand what they are missing. Some of us are not trying to stop Gunn from building his own DCU. We just don't like the way he and Warner Bros are behaving towards us with such ruthlessly stubborn arrogance.

Finally, if we do succeed in restoring the Snyderverse, Man of Steel 2 should be the first film for Zack and his team to get to work on right away and right here, I've got a nice piece of fan art showing what characters he'll need to include in Cavill's Superman sequel, also known as "Man of Tomorrow" and it is to feature these characters in both fan art pictures below.

Also, it has been said that Netflix has managed to acquire temporary rights to the Snyderverse which hopefully means actual film rights for a limited amount of time. Now, if we are to make sure Zack succeeds in developing this film, not only do we need to make sure that Netflix's rights for Man of Steel 2 last for a long enough period of time under its umbrella, but also for Zack and every executive of the current Netflix regime to stay on board for that same amount of needed time and do everything in our power to get the film developed without putting up with anymore interference from Warner Bros and every Wallstreet linked investors. Of course, Snyder and Netflix will need to invest in enough money to maintain a 160-to-230-million-dollar budget and with our government set to move us off the traditional paper dollar and onto this world based digital currency, now is a good time to chip in as much as we can to help Netflix get Man of Steel 2 filmed. 

Believe me, after all that has gone on in Hollywood and Warner Bros over the past 40 years since 1980 and from everything that is happening today and just how manipulative this new digital currency is said to be, we must not allow such surprises yet to come hamper with Snyder's vision and we don't want any irritating changes being made to some of these awesome characters that haven't been seen on the big screen and we don't want any more meddling from these corporations at all. And certainly, no AI involvement with the script.

Also with a fire sale going on at Warner Bros,  now is a good time to lobby the company in granting a 10 year extension to Netflix's production license of the Snyderverse as well as shared rights to some of the DCEU characters like Superman, Supergirl, Brainiac, Silver Banshee,  Metallo, Black Adam, Batfleck, the Joker, Deathstroke, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, and to other characters essential to helping Zack Snyder complete his own vision such as Darkseid and for movie rights to unproduced films like Black Adam 2. Even if each of these projects are to be broken up into 30 to 45 minutes episodes just like Snyder's Justice League, we'd be glad to accept that offer as long as they are all filmed in live action, and we'll have to do everything on our end to help Zack reach his goal. 

Besides, knowing how busy Henry Cavill and others like Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot and Dwayne Johnson will be on keeping up with their Hollywood acting careers, we simply can't just rush them back right away. Especially since Cavill is lobbying to play James Bond in a future reboot of the spy thriller as well as Ben and Gal having families to look after and Johnson dealing with some legal troubles at the moment. To those of you who reacted to Gunn having cast David Corenswet and Rachael Brosnahan with the hashtag #BringBackHenryCavill, good job keeping up the fight, but don't except a victory right away, just keep pressuring the studio on getting Man of Steel, Dawn of Justice and the long overdue Man of Steel 2 film with Supergirl, Brainiac and other major requested villains I've suggested over to Netflix. Even if we have to persuade the government in Tennessee or Washington DC to authorize the opening of another Netflix studio over in Nashville to provide Snyder and his team to continue his work undisrupted and no more god damn bait-and-switches because that is what has been destroying Hollywood movies the most.

And if Zack wants to break this project up into 9 long episodes and succeeds in doing so, we can always encourage him to look into combining them all into a 3-to-4-hour movie to screen in theaters in the long run. Plus, we'll need to come prepared with the right actors for Zack to have on board incase anything bad happens to Henry, Ben, and Gal along the way and if not, then tell me, would you be willing to do anything to ensure that we don't have a repeat of late Superman actors George Reeves and Christopher Reeve? I certainly would and I would ensure that he and the people who will be working with him on these projects in the future to have enough power, money, resources and specific comics invested in themselves to get the job done.

So, for Zack Snyder, let's help him get his work back up and running and ensure Henry Cavill and Sasha Calle make it through the next 20 years in one peace. Now, let's hustle and get this done and be sure to share this article with other users who are in favor of doing the following shown in these hashtags.















And while you're all at it, be sure to hold public demonstrations outside Warner Bros Discovery to pressure the leaders of the studio to get the rights to the following films and characters over to Netflix and be sure to protest outside of BlackRock and the rest of Warner Bros Discovery's top shareholders not to interfere with Snyder's vision. We need to step things up and get it done and be sure to compile as much evidence of studio interference and mismanagement as you can so we can put an end to all this obstruction and get the movies and characters we deserve to see in live action! NO MORE SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS!! We deserve better!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Problem with DC Studios, Warner Bros and what needs to be done to set things right for James Gunn's new DCU

Much has become a bummer to many DC fans after GOTG director James Gunn cancelled many DCEU films fans were looking forward to seeing and it has really struck the hearts of many comic book superhero fans big time. Clearly, this isn't first time such provocative moves at a blockbuster movie studio have been made by executives. The first time I experienced something similar to this was Iron Man 3 when Marvel Studios thought they could get away with ripping off fans with cheap theatrical techniques similar to the Dark Knight trilogy and it didn't work out very well then.

Over the years since 2016, much has gotten out of hand since director Zack Snyder's daughter Autumn mysteriously died. DC Studios and Warner Bros (now Warner Bros Discovery) have been undergoing shakeups that have led to numerous scandals, mismanagement, a toxic work environment, misguidance, people getting their hopes up, movies and tv shows being axed, incapability to plot interesting stories, etc. After Snyder left DC in the wake of his loss, Walter Hamata took over and things got out of hand. Cyborg actor Ray Fisher was fired for getting into a fight with Joss Whedon over the director's alleged misconducts, Ezra Miller has been having mental breakdowns where he strangled a girl, got involved in such disgusting groups of people who have been accused of physical and socially abusive activities, broke into a neighbor's house to steal a beer and plead guilty for it. 

Then, you have Ben Affleck pulling out of the role of Batman, WBD CEO David Zaslov pulling the plug on Leslie Grace's Batgirl movie, and then soon as James Gunn came in as co-head of DC Studios that two months later after Henry Cavill made his return to the DCEU as Superman in Dwayne Johnson's Black Adam movie, Gunn ruins everything by cancelling Man of Steel 2 stating it was all because Black Adam didn't gross enough money at the box office when many of the fans furious over the shake up believe that the executives at WBD and DC Studios are being plain rotten and selfish like they've got some personal issues against Henry Cavill and his portrayal of Superman.

In response to this heartbreaking decision, fans have been calling for Gunn and others to resign for cancelling the Snyderverse and have been running social media campaigns to pressure DC Studios and Warner Bros. to sell the rights of Zack Snyder's DCEU over to Netflix so that Snyder himself can continue and finish where he left off in the DC cinematic franchise. Why would fans want this and not let the Snyderverse go to waste? Well, I've been doing some research and I've discovered that there is more to what's been going on at Warner Bros over the past 4 decades I'll be glad to explain the following.

1. The problem with people who run and work at Warner Bros goes back to the early 1980's, back when the studio was getting to work on developing the third Superman movie which starred the late Christopher Reeves as the Man of Steel himself. It was from there that when it came to looking for who in the comics would Superman face off against that from all the comics fans read and cherrish that Brainiac would be the next villain after General Zod, but then came the part where writers and studio executives got lazy and selfish that they decided to turn down the villain and Supergirl and decided to swindle the fans with some made up villain and said it was because of the lack of budgeting. 

2. The issue began to develop even more when Warner Bros had been working on more projects featuring movies where Superman would go head-to-head with villains like Parasite, Doomsday, Silver Banshee, Eradicator, and another effort to try to bring Brainiac onto the big screen regarding movies like Superman Lives, Superman Reborn, Superman: The Man of Steel, Superman: Destruction, etc. Sadly, however, each of the projects fell short. 

3. In 2006 when Superman Returns was released into theaters, many who were developing the movie claimed that they have broken the "Superman Curse", many fans were skeptical on why Warner Bros chose Lex Luthor as the villain for the movie and not anyone else that hasn't appeared on the big screen. Then the same came again when Zack Snyder announced that the villain for his Superman movie was General Zod, a villain that fans have already seen in the 1980 Superman film stating his reason was all just to make sure "the villain was appropriate enough". Clearly, he could have just chosen someone else rather than repeating with the same character.

4. Now, as Batman vs Superman made its way into theaters in March 2016, not only were fans thrilled to have live action big screen movie where DC superheroes finally come together, but also more officially had broken a decades' long curse by bringing the monstrous villain Doomsday onto the stage as the villain for Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman to fight in the film's climax. Then came Snyder and Whedon's Justice League movies where finally got to see more villains from the comics like Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Parademons,  Dessad and Darkseid for the first time in live action entertainment. As well as having Superman unleash the full potential of his abilities.

5. Too many executives who were corrupt with too much greed, too much arrogance and too much neglect on advice on how to do things that made them hold their staff back from delivering to the public what superhero movie fans want.

In between and after the release of both Whedon and Snyder's versions of the film, I'm sure some of you reading this article already know what's been happening from behind the scenes. But also, from all the denials and delays of Superman movies and villains who are yet to still appear on the big screens, I'm beginning to understand why cancelling Henry Cavill's Man of Steel 2 movie and the rest of the Snyderverse got many DC comic fans so angry and worked up on setting up pressure campaigns for James Gunn and Peter Safran to resign and get WBD and DC Studios to either retract their decision or sell the rights of the Snyderverse to Netflix for Zack Snyder to continue where he left off which sadly, especially when Gunn is planning to rip us off with more of the same villains like Lex Luther which we already have seen when he hinted at basing his reboot on All Star Superman which involves Lex Luther being the overall antagonist and some folks need to think before they get excited over what he has because really? Aren't you guys getting tired of the same villains being used over and over again after 40 years of this behavior we've seen out of WBD and DC Studios network executives that enough is enough?

So far from what I can tell, a restore the snyderverse campaign certainly isn't going to work since something about Henry Cavill's Superman has been bothering them and we should be asking the following:

Was Cavill too perfect as Superman? 

Was all the potential in Superman's fight against evil too intense for studio executives, shareholders and all critics to handle?

 Do they have a problem with villains like Brainiac and others in the comics?

 Was Snyder's universe empowering DC Comic fans too much that it could in the future affect future plans for another separate universe if his was 100% complete?

 Was there something about Henry Cavill you didn't like?

 If not, then what was it that made you, James Gunn, cancel Man of Steel 2 last year on everybody? 

Well, to those who are currently campaigning for younger actors like Jacob Eldori to be cast as Superman for James Gunn's reboot, they're on the right track. In fact, we should all be using our time to lobby DC Studios and Warner Brothers Discovery into including specific characters we haven't seen on the big screens before over the last 40 years and who we should campaign on getting Gunn and his crew to cast for these certain roles so that he's not purposefully wasting our time with more of the same trash we keep getting like Lex Luthor and General Zod. We certainly have had enough of them for a life time and they don't have to reintroduce Doomsday either. 

He can go ahead with some of the traits and costume designs he has in store for his Superman, but he needs to redo the script for his reboot, hold off on his All Star Superman plan for a potential sequel and focus on using storylines regarding other villains like Brainiac because he is who most comic fans want to see Superman fight on the big screen the most. Especially the one where Brainiac was harvesting planets for their cities and destroying them with nothing but space rubble and both Superman and Supergirl took him on and while Supergirl rushed to stop one of Brainiac's missiles from destroying the sun and- wait. THAT'S IT! 

Since All Star Superman featured the sun as one of the most piviotal plot devices in the storyline and when Brainiac tried to blow up the Earth's sun in the comics with a missile that Supergirl thwarted in time and in the end of the All Star storyline, Superman flew inside the Earth's Sun to repair it and if anyone read what comics Zack Snyder used to create the plot for Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, maybe there is a way that both the fans and James Gunn can get what they want out of this reboot he's writing and guarantee that there will be no more tricks and deception like last time!

So, take a look at the fan cast I have below and why it would be a huge lifesaver to pressure DC Studios, Warner Bros Discovery and their shareholders into featuring in James Gunn's Superman Reboot.

Jacob Elordi as Superman

Brec Bassinger as Supergirl 

Daniel Craig as Brainiac 

Maude Apatow or Lily Collins for Lois Lane

Corey Stoll as Lex Luther (smaller role or cameo)

Daisy Ridley or Rebecca Hall as Silver Banshee 

Jason Momoa as Lobo 

Now here are some additional cast and characters for Gunn to include in his movies

Alfred Molina as Perry White 

Aaron Taylor Johnson as Steve Lombard 

Isaiah Mustafa as Ronald Troupe

Laura Haddock as Alura Zor-el

Jude Law as Zor-el

Jullianne Moore as Martha Kent

Sean Penn as Johnathan Kent

Boyd Holbrook as John Corbin

Look, some of you may not care about what James Gunn and DC Studios has to offer with their ten year plan but after 40 years of dilemma of big screen appearances for other Superman characters from the comics like Brainiac and how lousy management with other DC Studios movies have been except for Batman, some of us are not going to sit back and doing nothing while the elites running the entertainment industry keep ripping us off with the same characters in every Superman film. Zack Snyder was so far the only one that has successfully broken through the barriers that have made it difficult for us to see more villains from the comics and if WBD and DC Studios don't sell the rights of the Snyderverse to Netflix, then it's time we fight back against their status quo bias by building up this pressure campaign on getting Gunn to deliver us a Superman movie with Brainiac with the following 












And here are other examples of hashtags to use for help persuade the studio executives into using in the movie 












Now, as for why Gunn should also include characters like Supergirl and Silver Banshee in his movie is because fans would also love to see a live action Superman movie with Supergirl in it and because WBD has also repeatedly scrapped plans for various Supergirl movie projects and with Gunn promising a non-origin based Superman reboot, adding Supergirl to the mix would help support his plan and now for why he should also include additional villains like Silver Banshee.

When Silver Banshee was confirmed to appear in the Supergirl TV series 7 years ago, I saw how much potential a female super villain like her yielded when I saw a picture of her having ripped off a piece of fabric from Supergirl's cape which showed just how much of a grudge she must hold against the cousins of steel. 

From the comics that featured those pics of her and Supergirl fuming at one another, I've discovered something significant and emotionally dramatic that DC Movie and Television producers, writers, directors, and show runners completely overlooked regarding her backstory, how much trauma the character had undergone before running into Supergirl during their first confrontation in 1997. How she is a villainess who never wanted to be the villainess she is and has suffered a lot. This makes her one of Superman and Supergirl's most tragic enemies and because she and Supergirl were the best of friends in the New 52 era, I would love to see how she would play out on the big screen with her having an average and decent role as one of the villains for this reboot too.

Now as for Jason Momoa, I'd love to see him portray a perfect version of Lobo in Gunn's new DCU despite the disappointment that I myself and other hardcore comic fans have to bare over the coming years because I've seen his Aquaman in the movies and witness how much humor was on display, I'm sure he'd do great as Lobo and even more so for Gunn's Superman reboot as a secondary villain that captures the Man of Steel, brings him to Brainiac and then gets double crossed by Superman's arch enemy by being locked up and much like what I've seen from the 90's animated Superman cartoon, he would beg Superman to free him and when the Kryptonian continues to ignore him, Lobo complains and threatens to blow up the Earth if he ever does escape by himself which nudges Superman into freeing him and getting him back to Earth.

Look, some may not care of my idea of a solution to the problem we're facing at DC Studios and Warner Bros and may not care about what James Gunn has in mind, but after what we've seen in previous Superman movies and from all the setbacks that held them back from doing movies with different enemies of the Man of Steel, some of us would like see more on the big screen and not have to wait another 40 years until the companies have sorted out everything. Plus, if the reason Gunn posted that tweet of his reading the All Star Superman was meant to show he is looking to use certain elements from certain storylines and how to depict Superman in his movies and not really base it on the actual comic his reading, then let's hope so. No one wants a Lex Luthor repeat and rather than calling for his resignation or doing anything foolish, we should start this pressure or this DC Character and storyplot request campaign using the following hashtags regarding what some of us would love to see in this movie he's writing the script to.

Also, some say he's planning to make his DCU just like the MCU, but we don't know how or what he would use to do it. Hopefully it would just involve plot elements and not literally the plot of every MCU movie done so far.

Believe me, I want to see characters like Brainiac, Supergirl and Silver Banshee in this movie and see how well Jason Momoa can pull it off as Lobo and I swear, I'd flip if he reuses Lex Luthor or General Zod as the villain for his project and believe me, enough with the same old same old is enough because if any of these two or some made up villains were utilized, I wouldn't watch Gunn's movie one bit.

It's time we made sure that he is on the right track by submitting the following hashtags to James Gunn, Peter Safron, David Zaslov and to all the CEO's of their company's top shareholders listed in this image below!

If all of this were to succeed, would it break the decades' long "Superman Curse"? I can't say for sure, but there's always ways to find out. Besides, this happens when you're in an environment where you often find yourselves fully unprepared for anything that is about to happen.

So if you don't trust Gunn and are not interested in participating in this campaign for Brainiac and other characters to make their big screen debut in his Superman reboot, that's fine, but those of you who seem pleased with him running the company and would love for him to feature Brainiac and the other three characters I've presented in this article, then we better get to it and submit these hashtags on Twitter, Facebook and every social media platform where we can reach these individuals to hear us out for advice on going with these suggestions! So let's get to it!

Heck, feel free to get out and protest against WBD DC Studios and their shareholders to prove how serious we are about the matter at hand and I don't care if they ignore us if we get their attention or if it's because they have people who come up with these ideas on what characters and story ideas to include because if there are millions of angry Snyderverse fans out there who got their attention, we can get their attention too if we all can start this movement on bringing Brainiac and other overlooked Superman comicbook characters onto the big screen! 

The reason the movies in the DCEU kept on failing is because of how recklessly corrupt leadership in both Warner Bros and DC Studios is for choosing to do things desparately to compete with Marvel and Disney and all this ignorance they have towards fans with advice on what they should include only makes their movies suck more and more. 

That is why we need to put an end to this ridiculous habit the studios have and start having our own voices heard on what DC and WBD should do if they want a more successful franchise and even more so if these executives can also follow James Cameron's formula on Avatar's success with CGI by not rushing things. Take their time, raise enough money, have a more organized work environment, different characters for people to see with Superman on the big screen for this movie and for god sake, have more patience with developing this movie. No reason to rush things just to catch up with a rival company because that overall is what's destroying DC superhero movies. Oh, and if both studios are smart, they must not cast the GOTG cast members for any of the main roles in each of these new DCU films they're developing because not only is it making fans upset, but it shows just how poor their quality of making superhero movies really is.