Wednesday, July 9, 2014

People Breaking Promises to People

What is hurtful and heartbreaking to people in life is people not keeping promises to people on doing fun activities with one another on certain agendas and schedules. Even in a boy and girl relationship when one person gets their hopes up and doesn't show, it hurts them very deeply.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Server Rejected Photos

A really big and irritating problem that can occur in the world  but online is photos being rejecting from being uploaded onto Blogger and other than why this happens is how can we make the rejection stop.

Feel Free to give your opinions to see how the situation can be resolved

Friday, May 23, 2014

People Not Agreeing on the Same thing Like The Mandarin

Some of the worst things that can happen during social life is arguing over things we like such as the Mandarin from Iron Man. That of getting to see the actual version of the character for the first time we instead get ripped off with some "extremis powered" piece of crap called Aldrich Killian and while many of us are frustrated with Marvel Studios for being a bunch of lazy selfish jerks not doing the rings over such complications and inconveniences, some people on the internet and outside world are acting like jerks, retards, selfish cyber bullies, and careless scumbags by not having to care about how unfair it is to not to do the magic rings when all the power they possess make them the very best features of the character that makes him one of the very best and most powerful characters in the Marvel Comics. Even after the Marvel One Shot that took place after Iron Man 3 confirmed that the actual version of the Mandarin exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the leader of the Ten Rings that he was never Aldrich Killian or Trevor Slattery, the selfish and careless jerks still continue with being selfish and retards by still favoring Killian as the MCU Mandarin like they don't want to see what actual version of the character in the comics iis like possessing the power of all 10 rings in the cinematic films. The very question to that is why.

  • Were they spending too much time on the internet taking what Marvel was going to do in Iron Man 3 too seriously?
  • Did they not pay any attention to the Mandarin in the comics and previous animated shows to see how awesome it is to see how he projects so many cool beams of different elements and how he uses them?
  • Have they been spending too much of their time looking at sexy hot girls and women on the internet other than womanizing or hooking up with them out in the real world?
  • Have they been too troubled by other things out in the world to agree on the subject that Mavel should not have ditched the rings on the Mandarin?
  • Were they too compelled by all the action that just went down in Iron Man 3 to understand how wrong it was to do the twist that made the film makers screw the character up royal?
  • Are they too bent on crap that is making them not want to see what the actual version of the character is like using the power of Ten Rings in the live action films?
  • Are they on too much drugs and too drunk to understand why the Mandarin should be renewed for future Iron Man films?
  • Is it because they would find part 2 on the Mandarin a waste of time when it is certain that it won't be once they do get the actual ring powered version of the Mandarin set up?
  • Or is Marvel Studios bribing/paying people to defend their falsely interpretated version by irritating upset fans with disagreements about the treatment on the Mandarin in Iron Man 3?

Another question regarding this article is how can we get those people to disagreeing with us angry fans on the subject to reconsider their opinions?

Everytime they keep disagreeing in such highly irritating comments, it's like we gotta find where they are so we can go there and punish them in certain physical ways that will get them to stop disagreeing with us. Such as cutting off all their fingers so they won't be able to reply back, bashing the back of the skulls or hitting them so hard that they will understand why shouldn't favor what Shane Black ripped us off with on the Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Clearly if anyone of us did that we would definately end up in jail for a certain amount of years. Maybe even for life.

One thing is for sure is that the scumbags who keep favoring Aldrich Killian and still refusing to want Marvel to reintroduce the character properly for Iron Man 4 is definately not going to stop Feige and Marvel Studios from doing so because other than the angry fans being disappointed. The Marvel One Shot All Hail the King is a start and now we just have to wait for more updates and establishments to come into place and hope that Marvel will do the actual version of the characteter for Iron Man 4this time without screwing around like they did in Iron Man 3 and then everything will be restored to the way it should be because with all that power the Mandarin has stored in all those rings he wears, I really hate for the character to be wasted for such a long time and to make sure it happens.

They may revert to the character's original chinese nationality but they won't make him act like a chinese dictator or dress up like Kingsley. To keep the actual version new, more decent, appropriate, and worth a renewal, they will need to make sure that the Mandarin of the Ten Rings has ten magic rings as the character usually does in the comics, character to be portrayed by an Asian American actor around Robert Downey Jr.s age and height, wears magic enhanced battle armor like the one from Iron Man Armored Adventures, and a position where the Mandarin will act as a part of that would enable the proper version of the character to fit in with more real world stuff in the MCU such as being the new councilman of Asia/China replacing Yen who was killed by Alexander Pierce in Captain America the Winter Soldier, and to make sure that the real Mandarin of the Ten Rings does happen for Iron Man 4, Ben Kingsley, who was Marvel's promoted Mandarin in Iron Man 3 will be needed back to serve as the real Mandarin's prison in his secret location and another major Iron Man villain that will work in the film's plot like the Ghost.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Space Management Problems in Small Rooms

When you're in a small bed room and you got so much things to include, do you find it hard to fit everything inside that room and get it moved out?

Well it is a big problem for sure.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Crime is one of the most frequent problems that can occur anywhere everyday in the world

Certain types of crimes involve

  • Robbery
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • High Speed Driving
  • Blowing Stuff Up
  • Gang Fights
  • Kidnapping
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Illegal Copyright
  • Counterfitting
  • Selling Illegal Drugs
  • Etc

Police handle situations mostly